Interfaith Enrichment Corps

Guiding young minds with care and compassion, while nurturing a brighter future.
Nahla A.
Al Haqq Foundation

“(IEC) has changed me as a person. Learning how to incorporate service in all I do has been easy now that I’ve been a member. I plan to carry the importance of service into my work as it grows.”
Nina P.
Laundry & More

If not me, then who?
David H.
Hope for Tomorrow

I am serving because AmeriCorps provides me the opportunity to share my knowledge with others.
Rashidah A.
Touba Gardens

I am serving because I’d like to learn how to work with local communities and meet them where they are at.
Talha K.
Majid Al Mumineen

“Focus on what you can control.”
Delilah H.
Cancer Support Community of Indiana

I selected service with Americorp and CIC to expand my capacity for strengthening my community.
Joni C.
Center for Interfaith Cooperation

It is said, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!’ This is my life’s purpose.
Ibrahim K.
Felege Hiywot Center

I am very interested in helping to build bridges between people of various backgrounds.
Sydelle P.
Center for Interfaith Cooperation

Whatever you do in life, do it in love and for the Glory of God, because how you do anything is how you do everything!
Imani S.
Ross Center

I’m currently seeking and pursuing this … to fulfill my life’s destiny – to assist others and make a difference.
Eugene J.
Center for Interfaith Cooperation

Jump to:          Become a Member           Become a Service Site         Engage with the IEC

Become a Member

Serve at a nonprofit in Indianapolis through the Interfaith Enrichment Corps, the Center for Interfaith Cooperation’s AmeriCorps program. Learn and connect with community services, faith communities, and community resources along with a cohort of service members. Members build quality interfaith relationships that explore community solutions in an asset-based approach. Specific service activities vary per site.  

This program is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, political affiliation, or, in most instances, religion.

Download a Potential Member Brochure in English

Descargue un folleto en español para miembros potenciales

Service Description

AmeriCorps members, serving with anchor institutions in communities facing interfaith and intercultural possibilities, will build supportive relationships with neighboring congregations.

Authentic community-building efforts will connect members with faith groups to provide the support that enriches time, energy, tools, and capacity of volunteers and leaders. Willingness to reach across barriers of cultural and religious differences, coupled with an approach that supports existing efforts will enhance the incredible assets of our communities.

Members will be trained to discuss, consider, and communicate key issues that our sites and partners work with, including:

  • Effective nonprofit best practices such as event planning and volunteer management.
  • Religious literacy and ability to navigate the sensitivities and assets of various faith groups.
  • The unique assets of and barriers faced by immigrants and refugees
  • Mental health statistics, connecting resources and addressing stigma
  • Economic disparities and implicit bias
  • Other resource assets for referral and connection in the network of Indianapolis community organizations

Members won’t need to become experts on all these topics. Rather, through the key activity of building relationships, members will listen, learn, understand the goals of that community, and employ supportive problem-solving skills:

  • What do community leaders, clergy, volunteers see for the future of their community/congregation?
  • In what ways are they serving that they would like to continue – or would like more people to be involved in?
  • By learning from the community, we can intuitively support their efforts without adding to their plates.

Once confirmed, our Service Sites for 2024-2025 and the service descriptions for their Member roles will appear below.

Member Duties

  • Pursue interfaith understanding, community connection, and community vitality through service.
  • Serve with a team of other members in a year of nonprofit networking and community-based learning out of Center for Interfaith Cooperation and partner sites around Central Indiana.
  • Build authentic professional relationships with immigrants, faith groups, and service providers by facilitating and engaging in honest and sensitive conversations.
  • Learn and use nonprofit best practices to support site organizations and community training opportunities.
  • Cultivate a working understanding of root causes of community needs including mental health stigma, implicit bias, resource disparity, social isolation.
  • Identify and pursue training that leverages local experts and professionals for the benefit of your site and the AmeriCorps team.


  • Conflict Resolution
  • Community Organization
  • Communications
  • Leadership
  • Public Health
  • Social Services
  • Computers/Technology

Program Benefits

  • Biweekly Living Allowance during active service (up to $23,000 per year for 24-25)
  • Group Training and Individualized Professional Development (read about our Core Competencies)
  • Eligible for the Segal Education Award upon successful completion of service

Eligibility and Policies

Member eligibility criteria (additional specific qualifications vary by service site and role)

  • IEC members must be U.S. Citizens aged 18 or older with a high school diploma or equivalent.
  • Reliable transportation is recommended
  • Service in the IEC may be compatible with work or attendance at school during off-hours for individuals with exceptional time management skills.

How to Apply

Member Candidates may submit a pre-application at any time here.  The recruitment process has multiple steps.  Interested candidates can speed the selection process somewhat by registering to create a new Member profile in the AmeriCorps Portal.You will receive an email confirmation within 72 hours with instructions to schedule a screening call.  Once screened, candidates will be invited to 1) interview with our service sites and 2) submit an official application as soon as the opportunity is live in the AmeriCorps Portal.

For more information, contact Deb N. Saxon, PhD at

Host a Member

Center for Interfaith Cooperation trains and places AmeriCorps members in partner congregations and organizations interested in building a strong, resourced interfaith community.

Download a Potential Host Site Brochure


Service Site Eligibility Criteria

  • Only non-profit organizations are eligible to be Service Sites.  Ideal partners have faith-based outreach or programs, work with underserved and/or minoritized populations, and/or address one or more of the social determinants of health.
  • All IEC service sites must articulate interfaith goals for the service term and have capacity to supervise member(s) and provide them with a dedicated workspace and a named supervisor.
  • Supervisors must complete a minimal number of reporting tasks in a timely fashion, including timesheet approvals and simple pre-, mid-, and post- service evaluations.
  • Where demand for Member placements exceeds our program’s capacity, program staff will select sites based on mission alignment, expected Member experience/professional development potential, and past performance (if applicable)
Grievance Procedures and Prohibited Activities
These policies are outlined in Attachments A and B, which are appended to each member service agreement and service site MOU.  The attachments may also be accessed here.
Benefits to Service Sites

An AmeriCorps member at your congregation or organization will build your capacity to (a) collaborate with religious communities, (b) cultivate interfaith understanding and cultural relevance, and (c) enhance and augment mission services in a sustainable fashion.

Members commit to 1700 hours of service and training, with CIC providing the majority of professional development opportunities needed to support success.

Members do not replace staff or volunteers and instead take on a unique role in an organization, engaging in service activities such as volunteer recruitment and support, community collaboration, mental health stigma reduction, staff/volunteer training, cultural connections, event planning, and other community-oriented activities.

Cost Share

Cost sharing for the 2023-24 program is as follows:

$9000 toward program funding for each full-year (September-August) member hosted

$1500 toward member health insurance coverage (if enrolled – members covered via another policy may waive AmeriCorps coverage)

Timeline - 2023-24 Service term

48The IEC service year runs from September – August.

1 July: Service Descriptions due to CIC

July: Sites interview candidates following a screening by CIC

2 August 10am or 9 August 4pm: Site Supervisor Orientation Sessions; Signed MOUs due

15-20 August: Placements finalized; Member background check process begins

5-8 September: Member Orientation

9 September: Site Orientation Day.  Members and Supervisors attend Orientation together in the morning.  The afternoon is reserved for site-specific orientation activities (office tours, goal setting, technology training, etc.)

October 1: Cost share invoices distributed; Site Profiles and Volunteer Management Surveys due

February – March 2023: Service Site Compliance Visits

How to host a member

Service Site applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Access the service site application here.

Faith communities and organizations should contact Deb N. Saxon, PhD at with any questions.

AmeriCorps is the federal agency connecting individuals and organizations through service and volunteering to tackle the nation’s most pressing challenges.

Engage with the IEC

CIC welcomes board members, volunteers, and partners to join us for select training activities, where space permits.  We are also pleased to welcome community organizations to present on local resources, non-profit skills, or service opportunities in our bi-weekly enrichment sessions.

2023-24 Members and Sites

Rashidah A. – Touba Gardens

Nahla A. – Al Haqq FOundation

Joni C. – Center for Interfaith Cooperation

Delilah H. – Cancer Support Community of Indiana

David H. – Hope for Tomorrow

Eugene J. – Center for Interfaith Cooperation

Talha K. – Masjid Al Mumineen

Ibrahim K. – Felege Hiywot Center

Sydelle P. – Center for Interfaith Cooperation

Nina P. – Laundry & More

Imani S. – Ross Center

2023-24 Enrichment

Our AmeriCorps members are tasked with building connections between faith communities, people in need, and resource providers.  In order to support them in their service, we provide training opportunities that spotlight central Indiana nonprofits, highlight the importance of cultural and religious sensitivity, and cover a wide range of skills and topics from soft skills and an ethic of service to nonprofit management, volunteer coordination, safety, and disaster planning.

For skill shares, the goal is not to teach everything someone might need to know about the topic in 60 minutes, but rather to give an overview of some important elements, share tips for getting started, favorite tools, books, etc.  If you have a skill or topic you’d like to share with our cohort, you can volunteer here.


For the IEC Grievience Procedure, please click here.